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ask an architect

askanarchitect.org started in 2015 with my curiosity on how public would react if they can have access to an architect whenever they want. This website is an experiment of testing the role of an architect for the public. askanarchitect.org would allow an architect to be easily accessible to the public and collaborate to create a better living environment.

how it works

  1. Fill out the form at the front page and send your question.
  2. You will get a confirmation email with a link of a web page where you can see your question details. You can add more details/images by posting comments in the web page.
  3. An architect will review your question within (5) business days and post answers on the web page.
  4. All process will be private between you and an architect.

an architect

I am a registered architect in New York state. I have been working and living  in New York city since 2008.